In 2023, Zephyr contributed to the public group Exhibition; Resonant Grounds: Site-Responsive Art in Point Pleasant Park.
Zephyr made the sculpture Dave, a concrete segmented figure held up by a matrix of steel armature. Dave is placed in front of a 10-inch/ 18-ton RML Cannon which is on display at Fort Ogilvie, as if he is fixed in a moment immediately after being shot point black in the chest by the cannon.
Dave is intended to bridge the gap between the artifici al and the natural at Point Pleasant Park. Dave exists between the serene nature of the park and the menacing tension of the cannon that is on display at Fort Ogilvie.
The cannon sits dormant within the peace and calm of the park with only a hint of
its intended purpose – defence and destruction.
The unspoken destructive power of the cannon is unleashed unto Dave, who breaks
apart and disperses in a seemingly supernatural manner.
He is made of concrete and metal, much like his immediate surroundings. Although artificial in form, in his naked state, Dave is still very much a part of nature, representing both the artificial and the natural, and he questions where the line between the two is drawn.
There is no attempt to hide the supporting structure as it is intentionally a part of the sculpture and exists as a reminder that the work operates within the phenomenological realm and is influenced by my perception of both the natural and artificial on display at Point Pleasant Park.


Concrete, Steel.